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Wait 10 years then I'll marry you

Did you know that the eldest son of George and Jeanetta Menzies and their third born (1870) was called John. He set himself up as a produce merchant in Newcastle, selling primarily to the crews of the hundreds of ships that came into the harbor. Most had been at sea for several months and were always in need of fresh food.

One day while at the Borough Markets (the city markets) he caught sight of a pretty young lady who had come to town from up in the Hunter Valley with her father on his cart full of fresh produce. Her name was Alice Rodwell. She was four years younger than him but he was smitten. He wooed her with a passion but she was committed to looking after her father after her mother had died.

He waited for her for 10 years until she finally said ‘yes’ in 1902. They lived happily together for 33 years in a wonderful house he built for her in Mitchell St. Stockton. Who said Menzies men are not patient?


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